614 E Adams St
Jackson, MO 63755
Phone: (573) 243-9501Fax: (573) 243-9503

Live Healthy Logo

The Jackson R-2 Health and Wellness Committee will be promoting the "Live Healthy" programs for the thirteenth year. During the 2023-24 school year, each employee will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of wellness activities and earn points for their participation. At the end of the school year, gift cards will be awarded.

Reward point totals/gift card amount: 200+ points will earn a $100 gift card, 140-199 points will earn a $50 gift card and 95-139 points will earn a $25 gift card.

Employees that participate will have an electronic copy of the Live Healthy book that will need their provider’s initials after each activity is completed, this may include the initials of the school nurse, dept. supervisor, physician or nurse at physician office. Each building has a wellness champion. These champions will encourage their own buildings to be actively involved in the ‘Live Healthy’ program. 

Approved Health Activities/points allowed: Beginning of year biometric wellness screening: 50 points. 

Live Preventative: 5 points, 10 points for CPR Certification/ Recertification

Flu vaccination, Dental Cleaning, Annual OB/GYN Exam, Mammogram, Vision Exam, Prostate Exam, Chiropractic Visit, Colonoscopy, Blood/ Platelet Donation, Dermatologist Visit/ Skin Check, Professional Counseling/ Therapy Session: 5 points each (can only count one time/school year). Medical appointments made during June and July can be applied to the upcoming school year's wellness points.

Live Active: 15 points

Corporate Wellness Games, Step It Up Challenge, 12 Days of Wellness Bingo, Personal Live Healthy Challenge (meet goals: additional 15 points), WOW6 Challenge, Participate in any Local Race (5K minimum), All JR2 Fitness Classes, Participate in the Milk Mustache Dash

Live Well: Point Values vary from 2- 30 points

Join JR2 Live Healthy Facebook Page, Wellness Webinars, Milk Mustache Dash participant/ volunteer, Student Fitness Club Volunteer, Quarterly Wellness Newsletters

The dates for these programs can be found on the respective page on the school website or in the Live Healthy Ebook.

The completed Live Healthy Ebooks will be shared digitally with Miranda Wehmyer, Wellness Coordinator.  Any gift cards earned will be distributed to your building in May.

Employees - Join our private Facebook group here
The Jackson R-2 School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs, activities or employment practices.